Fair and Effective Dog Training in West Lafayette, Indiana
Group Classes
Group Classes offer the opportunity to work with your dog in a group setting. This allows you to get more training for your money, work your dog around distractions, and expose your dog to new things. Group classes are kept small to allow as much one-on-one attention with the trainers as possible.
Manners and Obedience Series, Levels 1-3
This series is designed to develop a well-behaved dog through a logical, easy-to-follow process that will teach you how to communicate clearly with your dog. The Foundations and Moving Up classes are what I recommend for most folks who want to have a dog that can go out in public and be well-behaved.
Foundations (Level 1)
Develop a mannerly, well-behaved dog in the home that is a JOY to live with
Teach the foundations of manners and obedience to build on for the future
Sit, Down, Polite Greeting, In-Home Manners, Loose Leash Walking, Beginning Recall, and MORE
For dogs 5+ months of age
6 weeks - $179
At the end of the Foundations class, if owners put in the work, they will have the skills to enable the dog to be well-mannered and obedient in the home. A "final exam" will be given to gain eligibility for future classes.
Moving Up (Level 2)
Teach your dog to be well-behaved and confident in controlled public situations and under distraction
Expand and strengthen the bond you have with your dog
Recall, Confidence Building, “Drop It,” “Leave it,” Heel, Work with Obstacles, Obedience under Distraction, Biological Fulfillment, and MORE
Prerequisite: Manners and Obedience - Foundations (or equivalent)
For dogs 5+ months of age
6 weeks - $179
At the end of the Moving Up class, if owners put in the work, they will have the skills to enable the dog to be well-mannered and obedient while out in public and under distraction. They will learn how to enrich the dog's life and enable more freedom in the home.
Advanced (Level 3)
Teach your dog to follow instruction under heavy distraction
Give your dog MORE FREEDOM with reliability
Move to the NEXT LEVEL of Training
Advanced Obedience, Formal Recall, Focused Heel, Cue/Marker Discrimination, and MORE
Prerequisite: Manners and Obedience – Moving Up (or equivalent)
For dogs 5+ months of age
6 weeks - $179
At the end of the Advanced class, if owners put in the work, they will have the skills to enable the dog to go along with them just about anywhere, allow more freedom at home, and teach the dog some cool new things.
Body Handling and Nail Trimming
This class is designed to teach you how to condition your dog to tolerate and ENJOY having their body handled for exams and having their nails trimmed. Yes, even YOUR DOG can tolerate and enjoy this process!
All ages welcome if first shots have been administered
4 weeks - $99
Interested? Get on the list!
When we have enough people interested in a class, we'll schedule it!